Engineering companies usually face many challenges on daily basis. Especially in client based projects because sometimes its gets more complex as we thought, Client needs changes sometime it doesn’t meet the requirement of their Business .the pain points are mostly related to finance i.e. billing and handling expenses and other thing is reporting Every business wants that they get overall activity they did in their business in the form of reports.
Our Software 1 #ERP Accounting Software helps engineering organizations to reduce the stress of managing bulk of data into independently working software’s.
ERP Accounting software for engineering improves business efficiency, productivity, and profitability and meets the customer requirements.
Client Stories:
Al Karam Rice Engineering (Pvt) Ltd. They are of the most reliable manufacturers of rice processing machines including their necessary required parts.
If we talk about rice machines manufacturers such companies have detailed data which sometimes not much easier to manage on one pace. Only a centralized system can handle bulky data and processes. There are different categories of rice which could handle in machines and after a long process it get done and at final step it properly packs and sends to suppliers ,it took time and energy to monitor each and every process .
Benefits They Provide:
- Proper estimation of revenue and cost
- Automation that increases productivity
- Flexible work methods
- Increase ROI