FBR Point of Sale Integration

Fiscalisation Solution for Retailers

As per the Federal Board of Revenue(FBR) law (the Sales Tax Rules,2006 Chapter XIV-AA Online Integration of Tier-1 Retailers) now all Tier-1 retailers are mandatory to integrate their Point of Sale POS with the FBR system for submission/upload of sale invoice on a real-time basis. The goal of this law is to Encourage 100% invoice submission to FBR.


• Walk-in customer who is visiting the shop will go to the counter to settle his/her bill.
• Shop representative will scan or punch the items and process the bill/invoice.
• Invoice is uploaded to the FBR server for the generation of a unique invoice reference.
• Fiscal Invoice is generated, encrypted, and stored in FBR Sale Data Controller and returns a fiscal invoice number to POS software.
• FBR Sale Data Controller Sync the data with FBR central server on a periodic basis.
• POS generates the QR Code for the fiscal invoices.
• The receipt is printed out from the POS and physically delivered to the customer
• Customer gets the fiscal invoice print and he can verify it from FBR System using any of the proposed models.
• On verification of invoice, FBR system mark this invoice for 6% tax collection. In case of non-verification of the invoice, Bill will be changed as 9% tax collection.
• Customer can then settle the invoice according to the applied tax.


• Real-Time Integration with FBR System
• Invoice gets Automatically uploaded to the FBR servers
• Pre-population into Annex- C of Sales Tax Return

POS Integration on test environment

1) Goto the FBR website and Register for the test
2) Download FBR Fiscal Data controller (SDC) from FBR Web Site
3) Install SDC on the same computer where POS is installed
4) Consume the Restful Web service for the localization process
• Send the Invoice data to SDC
• Receive the Fiscal Invoice Number
• Print FBR Logo, Fiscal Number and QR Code on Print Receipt

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has now issued a comprehensive list of software houses/vendors who are providing the point of sale (POS) software solution and services to those retailers who are now required to integrate their POS software with the FBR. The FBR’s list of POS software vendors revealed names and contacts of 46 vendors operating all over Pakistan’s major cities in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Islamabad.

How to integrate

POS Integration on production environment
1) Register each POS FBR Web Site
2) Install SDC
3) Update Existing POS with Fiscal Enabled POS

Support & Downloads

• Link to Fiscal Data Controller
• http://download.fbr.gov.pk/IMS_Setup/FBRIMS.zip
• Link to download required documentation
• https://help.fbr.gov.pk/?p=6148
• Contact Information
• Email : helpline@fbr.gov.pk
• Phone : (051) 111-772-772