Hisaab Accounting Software and ERP Training


  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Inventory
  • General Ledger
  • Settings


Customer set-up

Add or manage customers

Add new customers



Set up

Customer transactions include;

Quotations, Sale orders, Delivery notes, Invoices, Payments, Sale Returns.

  1. Sales Quotations: Inquiry of sales orders. Quotations can be placed by inputting items code and price/unit.
  2. Sale Orders: Customer name and payment terms are included. Shipping/ carriage cost can be added to the item price to make total cost. Order delivery details includes required delivery date and locations and name of shipping company.
  3. Delivery Note: when goods are delivered, a delivery note is made notifying that goods are delivered to customer.
  4. Credit Invoice: Delivery notes can be converted into credit invoice which creates accounts receivables and credit sales.
  5. Receive Payments: payment from customer, complete or partial allocation of amount
  6. Sale Return: a credit note can be issued against any of the items returned by the customer.

All these documents can be printed after each entry. Most of the documents are also editable.

Set up

Add customer

Add Branches

Sales type

Sales Persons  

Customers Transaction

Cash Invoice

  • Select customer and opening balance date
  • Enter OB in item code and then total opening balance
  • Add item
  • Place invoice

Customers Reports, Print reports, Customer Balance (verification of balance).



Reports set-up

Supplier transaction module contains;

  1. Purchase Orders; Purchase order can be raised from the list of suppliers and items required. A required delivery date can also be set.
  2. Goods Received Note; A GRN can be made once the order is received from the supplier.
  3. Supplier Invoice: once goods are received invoice is made. Effect of this invoice can be seen on GL and inventory status report.
  4. Payments: Entries are made for payment to supplier. Supplier can be chosen from supplier list and accounts from which payment is made.
  5. Purchase Return/Credit Note: Supplier credit note shows the purchase return to the supplier only for current period.

Each of the documents can be printed after each entry and their effect on GL can be seen after entry made.

Supplier set-up, Supplier Details, Add New Supplier, Supplier Transaction, Credit Bill.

  • Select supplier and opening balance date
  • OB as item code
  • Enter opening balance amount
  • Add item
  • Process invoice

Suppliers reports, Print reports, Supplier Balances report (verification of Balances).


Transactions Reports Set up

Unlimited of items can be created from the list with a specified code given to it. Each item can be given a new category. How each item is measured can also be defined. Image of each item can also be uploaded. Items can be adjusted into different currencies depending on the sales type. Re-order level for each inventory can be added.

Inventory locations are also available for each item along the contacts for delivery. Inventories can also be transferred from one location to another. Inventories status shows the quantities on hand, re-order level, quantities ordered along with demand for quantity.

There are codes for bar code scanning as well.

Set Up

Item bar codes, categories, location movement types, unit of measures, Inventory set-up, Insert new items, Inventory Transaction, Enter opening Balance.

  • Enter  location and opening balance date
  • Select detail as opening balance
  • Enter item code , quantity, cost
  • Add item
  • Click process Adjustment to save

Inventory Reports, Inventory valuation report (verification purpose).


  • New accounts can be made with account groups specified by the account code. Amendments can also be made on existing accounts
  • Payments and receipts entries  in journal entry
  • Transfer of funds from one account to another showing GL effect as well.
  • Manual journal entries
  • Reconciliation of bank accounts and cash in hand.
  • Budget comparison of each period
  • Addition of new bank accounts
  • View or print transaction


How to setup a bank.

General Ledger setup Chart of Accounts

New Account

Account code

Account Name

Add Account

General Ledgers Set up Add bank account

Account Name

Bank account GL code as used above, bank name, number and address

Add new

How to enter opening balance

General Ledger transaction  Journal Entry (JV)

  • Select opening balance date
  • Account code and description
  • Opening balance in debit column
  • Add item
  • Selection account code as 3351, account description as Opening balance Equity
  • Enter total amount in credit side
  • Add item
  • Process Journal Entry


Company Set up Miscellaneous Maintenance

  • Setting up company along with basic information about company like name, contact details, fiscal year.
  • Setting up access rights for each set up.
  • Define payment terms.
  • Information about shipping/carriage company.
  • Attachment of addition documents.
  • Void a transaction.

Setting, Maintenance, Void a transaction

Select type and transaction number from the list

Click void and proceed

This action cannot be undone


  • Number of reports can be printed in pdf format. Excel can also be used.
  • Selection of reports for specific period
  • Reports can be automatically emailed to user.

Following are some reports classes;

  • Customers
Customer Balances List of outstanding balances of each customer
Customer Balances -Detailed List of customer balances with details information
Aged Customer Analysis Shows aging of customers with option of graphical view
Customer Detailed listing Customer list and their information
Price Listing List of products sold with their prices and G.P earned on it.
Order Status Listing Shows lists of order with their status
Salesman Listing  
Sales Summary Report  
Supplier Balances Outstanding payments to suppliers.
Supplier Balances-Detailed List of supplier balances with detailed info like quantity purchased
Aged Supplier Analysis Shows payment to supplier in credit period with graphical view.
Payment report Shows payment made to suppliers
Outstanding GRN Reports No. of outstanding GRN’s with units and their price.
Supplier Detailed Listing List of suppliers with their contact information.
Inventory Valuation Report Shows number of units in the inventory with their unit and total cost
Inventory Planning Report History of past months inventory and their future forecasted trend for future order
Stock check sheets Number of units available , required and on order
Inventory movement Number of units brought in and went out .
Inventory Sales Report Individual inventory sold and contribution earned on it
GRN Valuation Report Valuation of inventory received with quantity and price
Inventory Purchasing Report Quantity purchased from supplier with option of separate item , supplier and category
Sales Summary Report Units sold of a particular category with total sales value
Inventory History History of inventory either purchased or produced, transferred to a location, delivery to customer and inventory left in hand.
Dated Stock Sheet Inventory on hand at a particular date.
Bank Statement Statement of all bank accounts for a period of time
Chart of Accounts List of charts of accounts with their codes and balances
List of Journal Entries Displays journal entries with a particular type like bank payment
GL Accounts Transaction Transactions between two accounts.
Annual Expense Breakdown Summary of revenues earned and expenses month wise
Balance Sheet Asset, liabilities and capital at a particular date with graphics
Profit and Loss Profit /loss for the period and comparison with accumulated