Accounting Software with Voucher Approval Functionality

voucher approval in accounting software

What is Voucher Approval Functionality?

Voucher approval functionality is an enhanced security feature that is available on (cloud-based accounting software in Pakistan).

This functionality allows an admin or a manager at an upper hierarchical level in an organization to approve the accounting vouchers that are posted by the staff members or data entry operators. Whenever an accounting voucher (Bank Payment Voucher/ Cash Payment Voucher/ Bank Receipt Voucher/ Cash Receipt Voucher) is made the double entries or the GL account transactions will not be posted, until and unless this gets approved by an admin (In order to avoid fraud / deliberate errors , error of omission, error of commission, human errors/typos etc.)

Comparison with other accounting software- Let’s take the example of Quickbooks, Freshbooks, Peachtree, Tally( Accounting solution/ ERP software)

As yet, this functionality isn’t available is any of the above accounting softwares.

One Step Further…

This functionality is further enhanced by adding two further sub-functionalities:

1-Sales Order Approval (Available in cloud-based accounting software)

Whenever a sales order is made, an admin has to approve it before it is processed further and a Goods Dispatch Note can be made against it.

2-Purchases Order Approval (Available in cloud-based accounting software)

Similarly, whenever a purchase order is placed, an admin has to approve it before it is processed further and a Goods Receipt Note can be made against it.

This functionality, however, is at the discretion of the administrator; it can be enabled in the Setup module by the administrator

This feature makes the security aspect of the accounting software very safe and strong.